Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hi friends,
It has been a while since our last communication but a group of four us have been working on getting your and our collective ideas into some less amorphous form.
Though we still have a way to go, and the path may not be as straight as we think, the following concepts will be guiding us initially:

Venue could be Yardley, Newtown, Doylestown or perhaps even Princeton.
It will comprise a small community of 20 to 50 students and the equivalent of two full time staff.
Students will be registered as home-schoolers.
Monthly meetings or communications with parents and students will determine the amount of ongoing structure or freedom appropriate for each individual.
We will provide optional classes to cover the basics up to GED level.
In addition, we will invite friends, volunteers, students, to offer classes in a wide variety of topics that may be of interest to teenagers.
We will take advantage of the many learning resources available on the internet.
We will provide help, if necessary, in the college application process.
Optional educational visits to sites of historical interest, museums, etc will be arranged.
In short, we will be using many of the ideas of North Star Teens and Ken Danforth.( )

We hope you will all come to a gathering on the afternoon of Sunday 16th May to discuss the above and also, very important, generate a name for the entity. We need you! and, please, if you have interested friends invite or bring them along.

I have posted much of the documentation so far generated at this web address: if you would like to recharge that initial enthusiasm.

As before, an RSVP would be appreciated but not necessary.

Many thanks for your support in this important endeavor.


ps suggested words to stimulate the invention of a name.
Beehive, Pathfinder, Lighthouse, Compass, ...

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